Number of Players
A team consists of up to 8 players.
4 players are on the pitch at any time.
One player is a goalkeeper.
There are unlimited substitutes.
Match Duration
A match is 40 minutes long.
This is played in two 20 minute halves.
Ball In and Out of Play
If a ball leaves the field of play the following will be awarded;
Push In (equivalent to a throw in)
Goal Kick
Set Ball
Restarting Play
All opposition players must be 5m away from the ball.
The set piece taker can only touch the ball once.
2 on 1
If two teammates and an opponent are within 3 meters of the ball while it is in play, then it is a foul
The referee will award an indirect free kick to the opposing team.the pit
The Pitch
The game is played indoors on a Basketball court
The surface of the court must be hard, smooth and level
It is vital that there is adequate “run off” around the pitch
Powerchair Football has to be played in an electric wheelchair
Players must use a sanctioned playing attachment
Players must wear a seatbelt for their own safety and is a rule
The Ball
A unique 33cm diameter ball is used.
The goal posts are 6m apart and unique Powerchair Football goal posts are used for safety.
A goal is scored when the whole ball crosses the goal line.
Penalty Area
Only 2 players from the defending team may enter the penalty area at any one time.
If more than 2 defenders enter their penalty area a free-kick will be awarded to the opposition.
There is no restriction for the attacking team.
The goalkeeper can commit a 2 on 1 in the area.
Usually awarded for fouls such as heavy contact or ramming an opponent.
Taken from 3.5m from the goal line.
The goalkeeper must remain behind this line, until the ball is struck.
All other players must be behind the ball and at least 5m from the ball.
Allowed as long as it is playing attachment to playing attachment.
Contact with any other part of the chairs or ramming is a foul and is NOT allowed.
Ramming is when a player deliberately drives into an opponent, with or without the ball, at a high rate of speed or with excessive force. The opponent may be moving or standing still.
An indirect free kick is awarded to the opposing team.